Saturday 10 December 2011

Decisions, Decisions

I'll try and keep this blog to a few personal speculations about popular culture but life has been quite crazy right now.
Absolute insanity.

I think I've decided to become a video game journalist, like really definitely decided that I want to go this path in my life and stick to it. It's been fairly profitable so far. Enough to keep me in a good financial mindset and even to the point where I've saved for half of my trip with Arcadia to Europe next year. I mean, I know that eventually I'll probably be fired or the site will go down or this that and the other, but for now, I know it's profitable for me and what I do, not enough to move out and be independent, but getting there.

Thinking of getting a bank account

I've also recently decided that Arcadia is living with me after a series of - to put it frankly - fucktards slowly began to degrade the foundations of a domestic relationship. We were somewhere and now we're not and I feel better for it. No passive aggressive bullshit, no more living in fear. Just us and the kitten. We're slowly moving her stuff in my room.

Not Pictured: Fuck-tards

My parents love her and Anya and it's really not a problem and Arcadia really wants to support me with what I do and I'm young and I'm 20 and I've got my life ahead of me and it's my first real job in over two years and she loves that I help out and that I'm nice and attractive and humble.
You all got a look up to someone...

But I want Arcadia in my life regardless of where we live and I want to be a games journalist. There's always that feeling of fear or doubt but it goes away in a matter of minutes by just thinking of what other skills I have and how I still have a year and a half left at Uni and after Monday night, I have people who I would love to meet to and talk to again and would love to work with on games, either as a writer, consultant or even marketing (if my Uni course dictates what I can do after I graduate), but whatever I do, whether it's tending this blog or working for a video game company, I'll do it with pride and speeling mistakes.
I mean look who's writing this junk

But for now, analysing popular culture for me.

Remember you can follow me on Twitter and read my Tumblr.

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